Leather Sofa VS Fabric Sofa. Which One Should You Go For?

Buying a sofa can be quite a task. Sofas are almost the lifeline of living space. The couch you keep defines your quality of comfort and lifestyle. It defines your leisure time and even sets the tone for your entire house.

The material of the sofa is absolutely essential and should give a lot of attention. We have studied our market and according to the feedback we have received, we can say with absolute confidence that your two top options to choose from are either a leather sofa or a fabric one. To make the task simpler for you we give you a complete analysis of what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these options.

We have boiled down our review to certain categories and we will tell you which of the two options is the winner in those categories. The great thing about this is you can decide which material suits your needs more, so let’s get started!

Upkeep: Our winner is Leather sofas

Fabric sofas are high maintenance. They are prone to stains and get dull in sunlight. Harsh environments are also not suitable for fabric sofas. On the contrary leather sofas are very easy to maintain because all you need to do is have a wet cloth and all the dust and spills will vanish. However, leather is prone to tear and scratches but that is exclusive harm and can as easily or even more easily happen in fabric sofas.

Another drawback of fabric sofa is that the design and colour fade rather quickly and you need to get them cleaned more often, in comparison to leather sofas, their shade lasts longer and they do not need to be cleaned that often because they do not accumulate stains or dust.

Also check,  5 Sofas To Improve Your Interior Design for a complete Lounging and leisure experience

Hygiene: Our winner is Leather Sofas

Leather sofas are definitely a safer bet for anyone who has sensitive skin, pets at home, sweat a lot or any allergies. Leather sofas are known for not accumulating dust or catching pet fur in them and hence no allergy invoking material stays on the sofa. Fabric sofas accumulate dust quicker and more than often have fleece or other substance caught in them which can often act as allergy irritants.

Look: Subjective

The look of both the leather and the fabric sofas are different. It depends highly on the fact that what are you looking for and what is the kind of design you like. Fabric sofas have a lot of variety, colours and design but not all of them are suitable for every space. On the other hand, leather sofas do not have a lot of options to choose from in colours but many different structures. Leather sofas complement many types of spaces like an office lounge, gaming room, a casual living room etc.

Comfort: Our winner is Fabric Sofas

We compared the cushioning and comfort of both the sofas and we won’t say that leather sofas are bad in terms of comfort but definitely, fabric sofas are better in comfort. The fabric sofa feels natural and better on the skin than the texture of leather. Other than that the sinking into the cushion feeling happens so much better in the fabric sofa.

Cost: Subjective

Both leather and fabric sofas can be really cheap or really expensive depending on the design, quality and size of the sofa. Premium fabric can cost quite a bit of money, especially on a big multi-component sofa. Genuine leather is also not cheap.

Fabric sofas have multiple variants of cloth and the quality of that cloth you can choose from according to your budget. The more genuine, rare and high-quality leather is, the more expensive but you can choose from original but lower quality leather too.

Final Verdict

Your requirements and liking are the final decision maker, whatever criteria lies higher on your priority list choose according to that. If durability and maintenance are a factor definitely go with leather sofas. If you want a variety of designs and comfort is on the top of your list go for fabric sofas. In the end, your opinion matters the most.

Also check, 5 Things to Know Before Buying Your Leather Sofa