Dynamics Of Workplace Design And Productivity
Where you work has an enormous impact on how you work, on your ability to focus (and stay focused) and your overall ability to be productive. That means the design of your office, whether you work at home or in a larger company environment, is of supreme importance.
According to studies done on workplace and productivity, the most significant factor in determining an employee’s ability to focus is their physical environment. In fact, it’s been said that a well-designed office can increase your productivity about 20%. However, despite the studies and statistics, nearly half of the employers interviewed don’t consider workplace design a good business investment.
What does workplace productivity mean?
Today’s workplace productivity is about the quality of output. How much value does the work bring to the organization? The change is all about a shift in the organization’s processes and goals. Processes have changed due to the evolution of technology. Today, much of the high-quantity, low value work is being done by robots and machines.
In the increasingly competitive business landscape, it’s no longer enough to produce more at a lower cost. Companies need to differentiate themselves with better ideas. As a result, the value of workplace productivity now comes from innovation.
We all know that a little adjustment can produce a lot of impact, so what is it that you can do to keep your employees or yourself happy and motivated?
Room Color
The colors around us all have an effect on our moods and brain function. It evokes both a physical and emotional response. So choosing the right colors for your work space has the ability to affect your productivity. For instance, blue has been said to illicit productivity. Mind you, too much of anything can be overwhelming, even color.
If you work from a company office: Bring in items from home that are a certain color that inspire you and keep you focused. Use postcards, magazine cutouts, even just blocks of color will do.
If you work from a home office: If you work from home, you have much more control over the colors around you. Consider repainting a wall, adding color to the table you work at, or hanging pictures that are dominated by a specific color.
Room Scents
Like the color of the space you work in, our sense of smell can powerfully affect our mood, mindset and thus our productivity. Consider adding scents to your work space to jar your mind into focus when you start to notice yourself drifting off.
Try using these scents to stay focused:
- Cinnamon – Improves focus
- Lavender – Helps to relax you during a stressful work day
- Peppermint – Lifts your mood
- Citrus (any) – Wakes you up and lifts your spirits
If you work from a company office: Most people will not appreciate added scents to their work environment so you’ll need to keep it subtle. Keep essential oils in your bag or drawer and when you’re in need of a boost put a few drops on a handkerchief or cotton ball.
If you work from a home office: Use candles, incense or essential oils. You can also simmer herbs and spices in the kitchen to fill your home with a warm scent.
Lounges and Leisure Spaces
Companies and individuals are often chasing aggressive goals, which sometimes leads to moments of frustration. Refresh zones can be a great way to reduce such frustration and anxiety by channelizing negative energy in a playful way. A chill out space in the office is a pleasant environment to be in as it boosts productivity and happiness. Workplaces are one of the biggest sources of stress in the corporate world. Many times, the team needs a few minutes to relax in a quiet place in order to feel refreshed and re-energized to tackle the rest of the day.
A well-designed play area can help the employees return back to work with the same dedication and passion. Hence, utmost care must be taken in designing a play area in an office space, as the requirements and the office culture varies from office to office. Only an expert guidance can help you plan and design the ‘play area’ you desire!
Amardeep Designs India specializes in enhancing the visual environment of work spaces,be it an office, colleges or cafes. Our furniture makeovers are a fast and effective option with no structural changes and offer a quick turnaround to the look of the office.
Lighting is one of the most important factors in staying focused and feeling inspired to create, yet it’s one of the most overlooked and least invested in. Bad lighting can cause fatigue, eye strain, headaches and overall irritability. Dark spaces can actually produce dullness.
If you work in a company office: You probably have no control over your general lighting, so bring in your own, if need be. Offices are suggested to allow the free flow of natural lighting as well as artificial lighting.
If you work from a home office: Open the windows and doors and let natural light in. Using lamps in a variety of areas for cloudy days or when it’s dark.
Collaborative Spaces
Employees are at their most productive when they maintain high energy and engagement levels outside formal meetings. The best way to achieve this is to design collaborative spaces and meeting spaces where people can naturally collide, swap ideas, share strategies and bond with one another. This is what makes for a highly productive team.
In order to facilitate these kinds of agile, free-flowing spaces however, it’s also essential to provide everybody with some personal storage space too: like lockers that they can use to keep their personal belongings, devices and documents in.
Chairs and Tables
If you’ve ever sat at a desk to do work but found yourself adjusting, stretching and moving too often to actually stay focused, then you’re aware of the importance of having a correctly fitted table and chair. In today’s work environment where so many of us are sitting for most of our day, it is critical that your throne fits your body probably.
Consider these quick ergonomic checks:
- Eyes 24-36 inches from the computer screen. The top of the monitor should be below or at eye-level.
- Feet should be on a foot rest or resting on the floor.
- A slightly reclined chair posture is best to reduce pressure on your spine and minimize lower back pain.
If you work in a company office: Ask for an adjustable chair. Add pillows for your lower back if you need it. Many companies will also provide risers for computers to adjust the height of your computer screen (and a separate keyboard to keep your hands and wrists in the ideal position)
If you work from a home office: Invest in an ergonomic chair specifically designed for your comfort. If the table is too high, adjust the height of your chair.
Just as we often need our environment to be quiet, we also need it to be comfortable. Well-designed workstations with good ergonomics help staff to work comfortably and efficiently. Poorly designed workstations, however, lead to aches and pains that distract us from our job.
At Amardeep Designs India, we have a range of comfortable and stylish furniture for all your needs. Visit our website https://www.amardeepdesign.com/ and you will see for yourself!
The trick is to allocate a certain percentage of space for each work mode based on your company’s culture and goals. A great time to think about this when you’re planning an office renovation especially at this time while you might have to change the furniture.
Our perspective on workplace strategy, as mentioned above, brings together the operational considerations of what it takes to make an office work and the human considerations of what it takes to make a business thrive. If you want to hear more about how we can help to revolutionize your workplace, get in touch.