Impact of Furniture on Learning
One may consider that learning has nothing to with a minute part of a space like a furniture. But, more often than not furnitures and seating structures play a vital role in the way space is perceived by an individual. Furniture is one of the main essence of the space. Without any kind of furniture, a space is practically empty. Adding furniture makes the space more impactful and reaches out to the person using the space, by making the space more convenient to use.
Furniture in learning spaces like school classrooms, college classrooms, libraries, discussion rooms, and other interactive spaces make a very huge impact on how comfortable and at ease a person can feel while interacting with the space. An individual needs to feel comfortable and relaxed to be able to achieve maximum productivity in the said space.
The circular/ring kinds of furniture along with its placement can encourage an interactive atmosphere with an increase in collaboration and mutual involvement among one another. This level of interaction goes on to build a group of adults in the society who are mutually involved and have concerned approaches towards peers. This kind of environment is an ideal society and the basis of all of it forms at such a small scale in the growth of an individual.
The physical comfort of the users is a very important factor in the learning. If an individual’s body is at ease, their mind will be able to focus more on the hand at task. The comfort of the user is directly related to the productivity that they are able to produce in the space.
The comfort also relates on a scale that whoever uses the furniture is supposed to be at ease. The furniture is not specifically designed for one individual only, and hence caters to a large number of users each of which have different body sizes as well as perceptions of comfort. Yes, perceptions of comfort. Every individual does have a different perception of comfort when they sit at a place. Some would require the softness of a cushion, some would prefer a straighter back to be more aware, some would want the height to be convenient, while the others would want a table closer.
Flexibility of the learning space is an important factor too. At a very age a lot of kids are taught things which should be followed, without allowing them to grow into a different kind of person which suits their comfort. This kind of thought, too, is seen at a very small scale of the adaptability of spaces. If the classroom or any other interactive space is provided with furnitures/amenities that can be easily altered and moved around, the user sees a certain prospect to arrange things as per their liking.
When the user has an opportunity to alter the space they work or study in, it makes it easier for them to be comfortable with it. They easily adapt to the space created by them. This allowance of an alteration in turn allows them to create a space which will provide more comfort to them.
Flexibility of the furniture is also a very interesting factor. While providing adaptable furniture, we see that there is a sort of interesting environment which is created. The functionality of the space is also alterable and so is the aesthetic of the space. A completely monotonous study or workspace will become boring and uninteresting, thus resulting in less enthusiasm, which results in less learning and productive output. By keeping the enthusiasm of the space intact, we allow the users to experiment as and when they want with the space. They are allowed to break the monotony and this allows them to be enthusiastic and lets them learn and grow with ease in this free-flowing environment.
Humans basically are free flowing creatures and we like to be open to creativity and experimentation. Allowing for this spirit of a child or a grown up to expand into adaptability and comfort, we let them pick their pace and space. The space allows for comfort and ease which lets them be more productive and grasp more.
For an environment which teaches something, one thing should be taken care of, that is if the user is ready to learn. A person can learn anything, if they are comfortable with the place they interact in, which is primarily the furniture. An interactive and not so monotonous environment will allow a person to think beyond the constraints of a confined manner of thought. Thus, allowing the person to grow beyond their own limits of thoughts, all because of a simple interactive, creative and unconventional space of learning, which can suit their definition of comfort.