New Best school furniture - Amardeep Designs

Education Collection

Arrange them in a classroom or put them up for a professional orientation, this chair-n-desk combination can be mixed and matched to suit your space and requirement.

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We are constantly creating new products to add to our collections to offer a wide range of possibilities to our customers.

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We, at Amardeep follow a very Inclusive Design Process. We can help you understand the material you can use to create bespoke furniture which fits your design language and meets your quality requirements.

By constantly being involved in the process of design, we have developed the expertise to confidently create custom designed products every month. We actively learn when we co-create furniture with architects, designers and our clients.

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Customer-oriented service, timely deliveries and innovative designs have resulted in Amardeep’s carving a niche for itself in industries like lifestyle, hospitality business, financial and educational institutions, to name a few.

Education Collection

An endless range of fabrics and materials to choose from


We Provide High Quality Products to Obtain maximum customer satisfaction. We work together towards the realisation of the vision of our customers.

With the pandemic inching towards an end, the schools and colleges are all set to reopen. The world has been somehow successful in defeating this pandemic, yet precautions are being taken to make the schools and colleges safe for students to resume studies physically. With the beginning of this new phase, the schools and colleges must now be prepared for replacing the classroom & other institutional furniture to give students, teachers and staff a fresh feel after coming back from a long gap by providing them with best school furniture.

The schools and colleges are now getting prepared to resume the classes and other operations from physical classrooms. With all the other measures being taken, they are also looking for replacing modern furniture with the older existing ones. It will not just help the students experience a modern classroom makeover, but even the teachers and staff will find it quite efficient.

Here are some of the different types of best school/college furniture that are essential for the institutes to replace right away:

The classroom desks and benches will definitely need an aesthetic replacement. The days of old wooden and iron benches are now on the verge of extinction as they give a dull look to the educational arena.

There are new colourful and durable desks & benches offered by the best school furniture manufactures especially for the classrooms. The classrooms give out a premium feel only if they have the best benches and desks for students & teachers. It might not jam in, but the environment of the classroom impacts on the mind of students.


Students & teachers usually spend more than half a day in schools and colleges. Proper seating arrangements are essential for not just their comfort but also their interest in being in the classroom for the lectures and lessons. Uncomfortable wooden base chairs are painful and are not meant for students or teachers to sit for a long time, they need the best school furniture.

The new era classroom chairs for both students and teachers use quality material that ensure durability and comfort. Along with the premium look, these modern chairs will also take care of the students’ comfortability.

The chairs of schools and colleges must seek an upgrade. Not just for the classrooms but also the staff rooms and principal room. The principal room must have a comfortable lounge chair for the designated person to replicate his/her professionalism.

Every school or college must have cupboards in lab rooms, libraries, and sports rooms to keep their important notes, books, and sports accessories. It’s high time schools must change the small wooden cupboards and add modular furniture instead of. The modern cupboards provides more space to the students, teachers and staff to store the essentials.

The administrative office also needs to maintain files of students every year, and without ample space in the cupboard, there is a high chance of losing important student data. Even though information storage is now digital, physical documents are still valuable, and educational institutes cannot compromise its storage aspects. Therefore, a modern cupboard with ample space and attractive design is highly essential for schools to add.

It is quite evident that the students nowadays habituate with the comfortability of studying from home through online modes. Resuming studies from school once again will not be a comfortable approach for quite some time. Therefore, to ensure that they feel the same comfort and motivation to study in classrooms, new furniture inclusion is important.

Here are some of the points that will explain the importance of modern furniture in schools and colleges:

  • Student Engagement Factor- With ergonomics being evolved by including new furniture, the student’s engagement in studies will also evolve.
  • Healthy Sitting Posture- Young bodies develop faster and comfortable seating. Students and teachers need to ensure a healthy sitting posture to avoid back pains and poor posture development.
  • Promote Active Learning- With new furniture being added to the schools and colleges, the active learning aspects can be promoted as students will get more indulged with the lessons and lectures while being comfortable in the classroom.

The educational institutions has to keep things under budget and manufacture bulk furniture for the institutes. It is so because students might not show care and concern towards expensive pieces of classroom furniture. But it is wrong because one type of furniture is not ideal for students with different physical attributes.

Therefore, the schools and colleges need to improve ergonomics on priority which will also enhance their functionality. Ergonomic furniture is essential for the students to help them develop the right posture from a young age, therefore it is also necessary to have the best kindergarten furniture.

Every child in school must find a congenial atmosphere to grow and learn in and that is where classroom furniture plays a vital role. It is no secret that the physical environment of the school greatly affects the learning capacity, performance, and comfort level of students. The choice of furniture in classrooms has an impact on student’s behaviour, health and even their conduct.

Many school furniture companies do not comply with any health and safety guidelines. We believe a stable, safe and secure environment is crucial when educating our children. If you are looking for school furniture that is safe, strong and of the highest quality standard, we would recommend Amardeep as a preferred choice.

It is important that you have the right furniture for your child as back problems can develop from sitting at the wrong height for too long. Ergonomics is the science of designing furniture to fit a person’s size and corresponding strength together with how they’ll use the product. Children’s chairs should have a back support that is high enough so their feet can sit securely on the floor, and foot rests if they require.

We design our school furniture to last. We regularly load products to twice their normal weight capacity and carry out rigorous quality control checks to ensure the furniture is as strong as it can be.

Also, check the best auditorium chairs to make your school’s auditorium room a comfortable place for your students to be.


Where can I view your products?

Our website has listed most of our products along with their dimensions. You can find the above products in the best school furniture collection

Do you deliver to all cities in India?

Yes, we do deliver to almost all major cities in India.

How can we take care of the products?

Always clean up any spills as soon as possible. Use a damp cloth to clean the surface and remove stains. Do not leave anything hot or cold on the surface for prolonged periods of time. Position furniture away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
