Transform Your Room Into A Study Space

Spaces are multipurpose and rooms can be modified according to the elements, furnishings and design we add to that particular space. Each kind of space has a specific set of furnishings that go according to the function which is suited in that specific place.

A room can be transformed into a study space by the addition and alteration of certain elements which one may require or not require. These elements will create a study environment and make the space more comfortable to study and learn in.

When we think about a study space the first thing that comes into our mind is a table and chair. But these are not the only furniture that are used to create a study space, although these are very important aspects of study space.

Study table

The first element that one needs for this room is certainly a table. The table should be at a comfortable length, so the neck is not strained while working on the table. It should not be too high so that the shoulders ache after prolonged working.

Comfortable chair

The second element of the study space is a chair which should be at an adjustable height so that one can accommodate the fixed height of the table. The chair should be very comfortable since one will be seated for a long period of time. It should not be too comfortable because being too comfortable will make you feel lousy which will make you lose your focus on studying.


The next element which is very important for study space is the amount of lighting. The amount and angle of lighting should be in so that the eyes are not strained while focusing on studying and the light should not be so much that it causes glare to the eyes. Both of these situations should be avoided by giving an appropriate angle of light with the right intensity.

The study table should be aligned and placed close to the natural source of light. It should not face the natural source of light directly as it can cause discomfort to the eyes.


Another aspect of study space is the amount of ventilation.  Natural ventilation is very important while studying because the brain needs fresh air. Continued studying in a closed room can cause your brain to tire out from all the concentration of carbon dioxide. It is necessary to provide the space close to a natural ventilation source or an artificial ventilation source nearby to keep the air in rotation.

Study necessities

Keep all your necessary belongings close at hand.  Once you keep all the books and stationery you need for studying close by you will not need to get up all the time and your study space will look very inspiring.

Before sitting for the study session be aware to take all the books and all the stationary which you might require during the study hour.

Keep away the distractions

At the study table, it is necessary to keep all the distractions away so while studying you do not get carried away by all the things that are around you. These distractions can divert you from your study hence it is advisable to keep them as far away from the study space as possible.

These are some of the ways where you can make an efficient study space for yourself.  Although all these factors will definitely have a certain subjective perspective that will cater to your own personal requirements.  Hence it is necessary to understand what kind of space and location suits you best.  After absolutely finalizing the location, you can develop the study space and make it look as comfortable and efficient for you as you desire it to be.

A study space is a space that will require 100% of your productivity and focus hence it should be as minimal and study-oriented as possible so that the mind does not have a lot of pressure.  It is best to keep the study space clutter-free and organized at all times so that your mind feels at ease when you sit down to study. The space outside has a direct impact on the mind hence be mindful of how you design your study space as it will directly dictate how your study sessions proceed.